Only those who are part of the legal world know how heavy the workload is on a daily basis.

Legal professionals face daily challenges, with crucial information, deadlines and the constant pressure to ensure that each case receives the attention it needs.

Nowadays, thanks to technology, this scenario is different. It can be lighter. And large corporations already know this and are following this path. They use technology in favor of better and lighter work routines.

First, let’s look back in time to understand.

Time Optimization: Current Productivity Scenario

According to a survey published in April 2022 by, with approximately 2,000 professionals, including managers and analysts, only 12% of them considered themselves 100% productive for more than 6 hours at work. Furthermore, according to the report, productivity-related problems were linked to stress, constant interruptions (after the pandemic and online meetings), and also to overwork.

The need for constant meetings due to the remote work scenario also brought about a significant finding. On average, employees spend 2.5 hours per day in meetings without effectively doing any work. The survey also indicates that about 23% of respondents feel that their workload increased during and after the pandemic.

Workspace: a Way to Optimize Time with Strategic Management

Workspaces are tools that allow professionals to have an online workspace, managing their tasks, communicating their activities, storing files, among other functions.

However, analyzing the tools currently available in the market, it is very common for a company to have subscribed to 5 to 6 tools to meet different needs of different areas – which, in addition to increasing the company’s costs, makes it difficult to integrate other areas.

In order to solve this issue, Enlighten Company developed ENSPACE, a tool that provides a complete and efficient workspace to meet the demands of all areas of a company.

Workspace vs. Time Management: How Do They Connect?

If time management is one of the greatest challenges in the corporate world today, ENSPACE emerges as a transformative tool for businesses due to its ease of management and ability to optimize professionals’ time with strategic tasks. In other words, repetitive tasks that could take up dedicated time can be automated through the tool.

Time management, besides increasing productivity and supporting the organization of the professional routine, is essential for these employees to improve their quality of life and invest their hours in quality time.


Get in touch and speak with a specialist.


Different from the software available in Brazil, ENSPACE allows you to have all the functionalities for team management, tasks, and processes in just one workspace, without the need to add up hiring of other tools.

Data and information security are a priority for Enlighten Company and, consequently, for its product ENSPACE. Certifications guarantee this and provide peace of mind for its customers.

The workflow can connect not only the IT area but also all areas of a company to be the main channel of communication, storage, task management, processes, etc.

Data management with detailed reports and ease of macro analysis is an important and essential aspect in the IT area, facilitated by ENSPACE.

Customizations and personalizations, use of APIs, are also easily managed in our tool.