Above all, in this post, we will teach you how to create power of attorney templates or use ready-made templates from ENSPACE.

But what is a power of attorney?

+20 Ready-Made Templates for You

It is a document prepared for an individual or legal entity (company) to grant general or specific powers to another person (individual or legal entity) to act on their behalf.

When to use a power of attorney?

A power of attorney can be used in different situations. For example, imagine that you cannot attend a certain location to sign a contract, but you have someone you trust. In this case, you can send a representative on your behalf as long as they have the authority to sign such a contract on your behalf.

Are there differences between powers of attorney?

Yes, powers of attorney can be either private or public.

A Private Power of Attorney is one that you can create yourself, defining in the body of the text what powers you intend to give and signing it.

A Public Power of Attorney is similar, but it must be issued by an Official Notary on paper and with a public seal of authenticity.

Can I electronically sign a power of attorney?

Yes, however, in Brazil, there are some rules for an electronic signature to have the same value as a handwritten one; consult the legislation by clicking here.

Initially, you can find further clarification in the Provisional Measure of 2001.

What is the benefit of powers of attorney with ENSPACE?

First and foremost, the main benefit is organizing powers within a company through validated documents and secure information about them.

As a company grows, it eventually becomes normal to have several attorneys with specific powers to manage small acts of that company.

This management model is more efficient as it prevents centralization in just one person, fostering a promising business environment.

Autonomy: As the business world is extremely dynamic, speed becomes an important factor, especially in negotiations where agility in signing and decision-making is crucial. With recorded information and accurate control of business documents, it is not necessary to wait for a specific person to be available just to sign and proceed with a negotiation.

Speed: As the business world is extremely dynamic, speed becomes an important factor, especially in negotiations where agility in signing and decision-making is crucial. With recorded information and accurate control of business documents, it is not necessary to wait for a specific person to be available just to sign and proceed with a negotiation.

Efficiency: Negotiations and the people involved become true arms of the company, avoiding the centralization of power or the need to rely on a single person who may be unavailable. For a business organization, it is essential to distribute powers as it is a fundamental element for gaining efficiency.

How to control the powers?

You can record all the information to control the powers, including the dates of validity, start, end, names of attorneys, among others.

With the possibility to include and modify power of attorney templates, including as many as you want in your list of standard documents.

Do I need to be a lawyer for this?

Firstly, it is prudent that in complex matters you seek the expertise of a lawyer.

However, issuing a power of attorney is a civil act (of any citizen) and does not require hiring lawyers.

ENSPACE is able to offer ready-made document templates, just as you prefer.

Hiring lawyers is only necessary for complex matters while you use ENSPACE for more routine matters involving simple powers of attorney.

I’m a lawyer. Can I use ENSPACE?

Yes, absolutely. Our tool features Workflow functionality, meaning you can configure the steps of power of attorney management from start to finish.

Starting from receiving the request, as well as delivering the document in a controlled, recorded, and simple manner.

Our management tool allows the user to closely control the powers, as well as the dates and links of the attorneys, along with reminders and notifications to never forget about the renewals, modifications, or revocations that need to be made.

Can I use ENSPACE to archive the documents?

All our plans offer included storage, and the final document and attachments will be stored in your virtual vault in ENSPACE.

You can control access to the documentation, while defining the permission levels you provide to other users.

How to Create Powers of Attorney in a More Practical Way?

I use a digital signature platform. Do you have integration?

Absolutely, yes. ENSPACE was developed with robust documentation for integration via API, allowing you to access the documentation available in the user area, select the parameters, and quickly integrate with your electronic signature service.

What if I have questions?

We constantly address questions from our users. But to do so, why not schedule a meeting with us and learn about this and other features of ENSPACE?